Essentials for a wedding day survival kit

I have photographed over 100 weddings and my number one used item in my survival kit is my scissors. They have been used to cut off tags, trim strings, remake boutonnieres, and many other things….

My first wedding I shot was as a second photographer, and it was that day when I heard a bridesmaid looking for scissors, I decided I always wanted to be the one with the solutions…… so, since then, I have always carried a mini wedding day survival kit at every wedding I shoot! I have never used all the items at one wedding thankfully, but at every wedding I have be able to offer something!


I carry on my person, just these essentials. See below for a list of 10 other useful items that would be handy to have in a full wedding day survival kit.

Other useful items I don’t carry but have noticed would come in handy in a bridesmaid survival kit:

  1. Static Guard

  2. Deodorant

  3. Antacids

  4. Lint Roller

  5. Fashion Tape

  6. Superglue

  7. Sharpie

  8. Packaging Tape

  9. Energy Bar

  10. Water


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